Peach Sorbet

A wonderful use for ripe summer peaches, this sorbet is light and refreshing with just peaches, vanilla extract and sweetener to taste.

scooped peach sorbet


  • 420 g (3 ) peaches, halved, pitted
  • (½ teaspoon) vanilla extract
  • (6 ) dates [or honey to taste], pitted
  • 520 g (4 cups) ice cubes


  1. Place all ingredients into the Vitamix container in the order listed and secure the lid.
  2. Select the Frozen Dessert program. Start the blender and allow the program to complete, using the tamper to press ingredients toward the blades.
  3. In about 30-60 seconds, the sound of the motor will change and four mounds should form. Stop the machine. Do not over mix or melting will occur. Serve immediately.


  • 420 g (3 Tablespoon) peaches, halved, pitted
  • Tablespoon (½ teaspoon) vanilla extract
  • Tablespoon (6 Tablespoon) pitted
  • 520 g (4 cups) ice cubes


  1. Place all ingredients into the Vitamix container in the order listed and secure the lid.
  2. Start the blender on its lowest speed, then quickly increase to its highest speed, using the tamper to press ingredients toward the blades. In about 30-60 seconds, the sound of the motor will change and four mounds should form. Stop the machine. Do not over mix or melting will occur. Serve immediately.