Pasta para untar dulce y picante de betabel

Los ingredientes como el jalapeño y el betabel asado le dan a esta pasta para untar un intenso color y un sabor excelente.



  • ⅓ taza (80 ml) de aceite de oliva extra virgen [o líquido de garbanzos].
  • 2 dátiles sin hueso o 2 cucharadas de miel
  • ½ limón amarillo pelado
  • ¼ de taza (35 g) de semillas de ajonjolí [o tahini]
  • ¼ taza (60 ml) de vinagre blanco destilado
  • 1 betabel (215 g) pelado y asado
  • 1 can (450 g) chickpeas, drained
  • 1 diente de ajo pelado
  • 1 (15 g) jalapeño, partido por la mitad y sin semillas
  • ¼ de cucharadita de sal de mar (opcional)
  • ¼ de cucharadita de pimienta negra molida


  1. Vierta todos los ingredientes en el vaso de la Vitamix en el orden indicado y cierre bien la tapa.
  2. Run the Dips & Spreads Program or start the blender on its lowest speed, then quickly increase to its highest speed.  Blend for 45-60 seconds, using the tamper to push ingredients toward the blades.
  3. Nutrition Note:We love dips made from plants that you can use to dip more plants into!  Beets are packed with vitamins A and C, fiber, and antioxidants, supporting heart health and reducing inflammation. Dates add natural sweetness along with fiber, potassium, and magnesium, supporting gut health. Sesame seeds provide healthy fats, plant protein, and essential minerals like calcium and iron. Chickpeas contribute additional protein, fiber, and folate, enhancing overall nutrition. 


  • ⅓ taza (80 ml) de aceite de oliva extra virgen [o líquido de garbanzos].
  • 2 dátiles sin hueso o 2 cucharadas de miel
  • ½ limón amarillo pelado
  • ¼ de taza (35 g) de semillas de ajonjolí [o tahini]
  • ¼ taza (60 ml) de vinagre blanco destilado
  • 1 betabel (215 g) pelado y asado
  • 1 can (450 g) chickpeas, drained
  • 1 diente de ajo pelado
  • 1 (15 g) jalapeño, partido por la mitad y sin semillas
  • ¼ de cucharadita de sal de mar (opcional)
  • ¼ de cucharadita de pimienta negra molida


  1. Vierta todos los ingredientes en el vaso de la Vitamix en el orden indicado y cierre bien la tapa.
  2. Run the Dips & Spreads Program or start the blender on its lowest speed, then quickly increase to its highest speed.  Blend for 45-60 seconds, using the tamper to push ingredients toward the blades.
  3. Nutrition Note:We love dips made from plants that you can use to dip more plants into!  Beets are packed with vitamins A and C, fiber, and antioxidants, supporting heart health and reducing inflammation. Dates add natural sweetness along with fiber, potassium, and magnesium, supporting gut health. Sesame seeds provide healthy fats, plant protein, and essential minerals like calcium and iron. Chickpeas contribute additional protein, fiber, and folate, enhancing overall nutrition. 


  • ⅓ taza (80 ml) de aceite de oliva extra virgen [o líquido de garbanzos].
  • 2 dátiles sin hueso o 2 cucharadas de miel
  • ½ limón amarillo pelado
  • ¼ de taza (35 g) de semillas de ajonjolí [o tahini]
  • ¼ taza (60 ml) de vinagre blanco destilado
  • 1 betabel (215 g) pelado y asado
  • 1 can (450 g) chickpeas, drained
  • 1 diente de ajo pelado
  • 1 (15 g) jalapeño, partido por la mitad y sin semillas
  • ¼ de cucharadita de sal de mar (opcional)
  • ¼ de cucharadita de pimienta negra molida


  1. Vierta todos los ingredientes en el vaso de la Vitamix en el orden indicado y cierre bien la tapa.
  2. Run the Dips & Spreads Program or start the blender on its lowest speed, then quickly increase to its highest speed.  Blend for 45-60 seconds, using the tamper to push ingredients toward the blades.
  3. Nutrition Note:We love dips made from plants that you can use to dip more plants into!  Beets are packed with vitamins A and C, fiber, and antioxidants, supporting heart health and reducing inflammation. Dates add natural sweetness along with fiber, potassium, and magnesium, supporting gut health. Sesame seeds provide healthy fats, plant protein, and essential minerals like calcium and iron. Chickpeas contribute additional protein, fiber, and folate, enhancing overall nutrition.