Raw Blueberry Cheesecake

A raw, vegan cheesecake, reminiscent of the real thing.


  • 2 cups (200 g) pecans
  • 1 Tablespoon rice malt syrup
  • 1 handful of dates
  • 1 Tablespoon coconut oil, softened


  1. Soak cashews in water for 4 hours. Drain, reserving ½ cup of the water to set aside.
  2. Line a circular spring form cake tin with baking papers and grease outer edges.
  3. Place crust ingredients into the Vitamix container in the order listed and secure lid.
  4. Select Variable 4.
  5. Turn machine on and off 8 to 10 times to pulse, using the tamper if needed to push ingredients into the blades. Pulse until the mixture sticks together when you squeeze between your fingers.
  6. Press crust mixture into the base of the lined cake tin, and use the back of a spoon to spread evenly.
  7. Place crust into the freezer for 2 hours to set.
  8. Place filling ingredients along with half of the reserved cashew water into the Vitamix container in the order listed and secure lid.
  9. Select Variable 1.
  10. Turn machine on and slowly increase speed to Variable 10, then to High.
  11. Blend until smooth, adding water if needed.
  12. Remove cake tin from freezer, and pour filling mixture over crust. Place back in the freezer to set for 30 minutes.
  13. Place topping ingredients into the Vitamix container in the order listed and secure lid.
  14. Select Variable 1.
  15. Turn machine on and slowly increase speed to Variable 10, then to High.
  16. Blend until smooth.
  17. Remove cake tin from freezer and pour topping over set filling mixture. Use the back of a spoon to spread evenly over top.
  18. Place in the freezer for 1 hour before transferring to a refrigerator.
  19. Cut into slices, and serve with fresh blueberries.