Chapter 10: Impact

3600 machine with fruit on top

Stop Wasting Food, Time, Energy and Money

A 1982 direct mailing brochure advertising the Vitamix 3600. Learn more

Naked Chef Ad

Famous Chefs Naked with Their Blender: Todd Gray (and Sampson), March 2003

Vitamix collaborated with chef consultant Jimmy Sneed and The King Agency to develop the “Famous Chefs Naked with Their Blender” campaign. The ads were staged to convey the notion of food professionals feeling bare without their Vitamix blenders. This campaign ran from 1999 to 2003, launched the Vita-Prep®, and gave the company rock-star status, as chefs lined up to bare all and show their love of the product.

Production inspiration wall

Carmen (Rivera) Johnson with the Operations Purpose Statement

Created in 2017, the Operations Purpose Statement provides a clear understanding of how the operations department impacts the overall purpose of Vitamix and helped the department increase alignment, positive energy, and engagement.